For details of the positions, please see below.
For questions, please contact: Scarlett Czarnecki at
On even years the offices of President Elect, Treasurer, and Quarterly Program Chair are open for elections.
On odd years the offices of Secretary, Conference Planning Chair, Community Service Chair and Scholarships/Awards Chair are open for elections.
Elections are conducted in May/June of each year by anonymous ballot. SCAPHON’s year goes from July 1st to June 30th . Applicants must be a SCAPHON member to apply.
SCAPHON also appoints positions that are not part of the elected process. Some of those positions are SCOOP Editor, Historian, Fundraising Chair, Membership Chair, and Website Coordinator.
Any current active member who meets requirements for nomination to a specific office may nominate himself or herself or another current member for an open position. Current member is defined as a member that holds membership in both the local chapter (SCAPHON) and the national organization (APHON).
President: shall preside at all meetings of the chapter, appoint standing and special committee chairpersons with approval of the chapter board, make certain that the chapter complies with all rules and regulations of the National APHON, submit annual reports to the national organization, be a liaison to National APHON, and perform other duties required by the chapter. This is a 4 year position (1 year as President Elect, 2 years as President, 1 year as past President)
President Elect: Shadow the current President for 1 year, learning the role in anticipation of assuming the presidency the following year.
Immediate Past-president shall remain in office for one year to assist the new president.
Secretary is in charge of keep all records, papers, and resource materials of the chapter, shall take and keep minutes of all meetings, draft and disseminate all information as directed by the chapter. This is a 2 year position.
Treasurer is in charge of all funds of the chapter, authorized to open bank accounts in the name of the chapter, and perform other duties that may be required by the chapter. The treasurer must detailed while keeping immaculate financial records. The treasurer shall is required to submit an annual accounting and proposed budget to the chapter, and a financial report to the national organization (APHON). This is a 2 year position.
Conference Planning Chair: Plans and executes the annual conference. In charge of delegating, communicating with hotel, helping create theme for conference, and ensuring that all conference details are taken care. The conference chair will have a committee of assistants to assist with the conferences tasks. This is a 3 year position (2 years as conference chair and 1 year as past chair).
Scholarships/Awards Chair: Advertises and collects scholarship/award applications. Forms a small committee to review all applications using an objective tool. Disseminates all applications, collects reviewers responses and then communicates with the winners. Coordinates their attendance at the annual conference. This is a two year position.
Quarterly Program Chair: Plans education quarterly with the executive board, collects attendee RSVP with payment, creates CEU’s, and coordinates meal to be served. Communicates and coordinates with speaker for event. This is a 2 year position.
Community Service Chair: Finds annual big and small community service projects (2 community services project per year), communicates information to the board, creates fliers for community service and disseminates information to organizations. Coordinates with main organization at the annual conference to attend and pickup donated items. This is a 2 year position.
Membership Chair: Channel the efforts of the association’s growth in an organized matter. Keeps up to date current Scaphon membership list.
Nomination and Election Chair: Collection of applications, disseminating information on nominations and voting. Tallying votes and announcing winners.
Fundraising Chair: Finds fundraising opportunities to help support SCAPHON, as well as plans and executes the fundraising through the opportunity raffles at the annual conference.
SCOOP Editor: Creates SCOOP 3 times a year, collecting information to be placed in SCOOP and disseminating newsletter.
Historian: Takes pictures, creates photo albums, creates display at annual conference and keeps photo account up to date. Update information in social media platform.
Website Coordinator: Uploads new information, sets up website pages, organizes email blast, assumes responsibility for running of website.